For Summer 2019 CACIM is organising the Reaching the Real India programme for young people to give them exposure to the myriad realities and unbound possibilities in the country and a chance to understand the dynamics of social change. The participating students will be sent to different community organisations, NGOs, social action groups, and organisations engaged in building alternatives locating in different parts of the country for the duration of 4 to 8 weeks.
The selected participants would undergo a day long orientation in person or over skype before they travel to their host organisations. After successful completion of the programme a day long symposium will be held to receive their feedback and discuss the broader questions emerging out of their experience. Participants will spend their remaining time in the field interacting and engaging with the community and the host organisations. The participants will also be in engaged in the research, survey, data collection, report writing, organising/assisting in programmes and see from close quarters the process of change and building an alternative society. The nature of assignment would vary from the organisations to organisations.
Young students and youth under 30 are welcome to apply for the programme. Only 30 out of all the applicants will be selected to join the programme, on first come first serve basis. The selections would be depend entirely on their application form and an informal interaction process in person or over phone or skype. After the first round, you would be given options as per your skills and host organisation requirements, and then placed accordingly.
We urge you to fill the form in full earnestness, keeping in mind that you may require to spend your days in the humble setting of rural areas and in harsh weather conditions with minimum comforts. The programme will be open from May to July 2018. Interested people can apply anytime as there is no last date. Accommodation and food expenses will be borne by the host organisations (subject to availability) while the travel expenses will have to be taken care of by the candidates themselves. A limited travel support for the most needy are available. Through out your internship period you will be in constant touch with RRI team and the allotted mentors who would be available to assist in case of any trouble.
The participants would be requested to keep a daily journal and a report critically reflecting their involvement and experience of the time spent and the overall RRI programme.
You can submit your applications using the form here or send it to us at [email protected]