

Explorations of Open Space 3

On behalf of and in collaboration with the EIOS Collective, the preparation of ‘Explorations of Open Space 3’, a Proposal to carry forward the exploration, debate, and activities started through the ‘Explorations / Encounters in Open Space’ process at the World Social Forum in Brazil in January 2005....

Challenging Empires autonomously published in German, Japanese, and Spanish.

By early 2005, World Social Forum : Challenging Empires autonomously published in German, Japanese, and Spanish. (By the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation in Germany, by Sakuhin-Sha? in Japan, with the translation project undertaken by PPSG (People’s Plan Study Group), and by El Viejo Topo / Ediciones de Intervención Cultural in Spain.)...

The mounting of a wiki-based dialogic webspace OpenSpaceForum

The mounting of a wiki-based dialogic webspace OpenSpaceForum (, which is now acting as the notepad and medium for exchange in collectives that have come out of the EIOS (Explorations in Open Space) meetings, for the widening of the network and more generally as an open space for critical exchange and reflection....
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